Monday 27 February 2012

The New Bar

Monday 13 February 2012

After the possibility of Rob and Howard taking over Biblos fell through, they started looking around to see what other venues were available.  Nidri is full of empty properties now, but when you talk to the landlords you find out why – it must be considered unmanly to lower your rents: economic crisis or not.  But, after a month of searching, they found this one.  Lots of work to do, but a nice big space with a good sized balcony.  It’s on the first floor, opposite the kiosk, behind where we keep the boat in the summer.  Rob is very determined to make a success of it, he has always wanted his own bar, so Dave agreed to finance it, and retain a stake in Rob’s share.  It’s a bit of a distraction from our project, but very important to help Rob get started.  

During the continuing rain, Dave has been involved with the ripping out and reconstruction.

Dave decided to leave his mark on the wall, before it was painted over.  Cleverly, he used permanent marker - and it won't go away.  Howard is not saying anything ...

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