Tuesday 20 November 2012

Garden delights

Monday 29 October

The mix of rain and benign sunshine has got everything flourishing in the garden, especially these beetles.  They’ve taken over the fennel now the Swallowtail caterpillars have left. 

My little lemon tree, that Dave gave me for my birthday many moons ago and which has never done well, being a victim of all sorts of pests, has finally decided to throw out a few lemon flowers.  They appear as pink buds, become white flowers and then the petals fall to leave these tiny baby lemons, which then have to survive the storms to grow to maturity.  (In my dreams!)

These are the rugged survivors of benign neglect that have clustered together around the shed door.  That way they get watered every so often when we change the cat water.  I have decided that most of them will get transplanted into the new terraced garden in my drystone wall, as they seem pretty hardy.

And then there are the crops.  The pepper plant is going berserk with peppers, and the aubergines are enjoying a second coming.  No thanks to anything we’ve done.

These little crocii have appeared too.  Unfortunately not the ones famous for producing Saffron.

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