Tuesday 20 November 2012

A dog for a day

Friday 9 November 2012

Dave’s brother Pete has asked us to look after their dog over Christmas when they go back to the UK for a couple of weeks.  Sid is a big black Labrador, a real softy, trained as a gun dog.  The first time I had him on the lead, briefly, while Pete and Ed moved their boat from the boatyard to the quay, I had my hands full of coats, and had looped his lead over my right wrist.  I didn’t know he was trained to only walk on the left (because guns are carried on the right), he kept moving round to my left, on a short lead, pulling my wrist round behind me, which I followed round, and we ended up circling along the quay till I worked out what was going on.

So to get him used to us, and to the cats and chickens, we had Sid for a few hours on Friday.  He’s curious about our menagerie, but well behaved.  Trouble was, Pete brought him to us across country, startling Notso out of a bush.  She hurtled off, cackling, then stood at the bottom of the field doing the chicken distress call.  In the end I had to go and fetch her, and reunite her with Astro which settled her down.

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