Saturday 31 December 2011

The Swim

Christmas Day, Sunday 25 December 2011

Up early, took everything we needed down to George’s, to prepare for the meal and the swim.  I was in the car, ready to go, when I remembered two things forgotten: ‘Delia and the Chainsaw’ I shouted to Dave – sounds like a great name for a band!  Delia the cookbook, and the Chainsaw to chop up wood for George’s stove (he’s been cutting it all by hand).  On arrival, George resisted any help from Delia, and I didn’t like to argue, not knowing the kitchen.  George, despite assurances, had not been able to get the skin on the leg of pork – it’s just not done here unless you go to very specialised butchers, which we didn’t find out in time.  No crackling for Bob!

I set the table – I had found prickly oak and hawthorne in berry in lieu of holly.  Sarah from the Boatyard contributed the crackers, Angie the Christmas napkins, and I’d found little candles at the School Bazaar, so it felt a very communal affair.  Then I put on the mulled wine for the swim.   I used Sue’s Irresistible Spiced Wine Recipe, and it came out very well. 

Just starting for the quay when I realised we didn’t have any towels – so Michael shot back up to Goat Bottom to find some.  Dave walked the hot wine to the quay and I drove round with a gas ring and the fancy dress, remembering at the very last minute to take a ladle.

 Dave as a 'Soggy Bottom Boy' (watch George Clooney in 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou' if you don't get the reference) admired by Isabelle in Christmas cape.
 Michael came as a Christmas Tree - it was my proposed costume, but the day was just too busy for me to go swimming - potatoes to cut, etc, so I gave the crepe paper to Michael and Alison rustled this up.  He's got a star on his head which unfortunately doesn't show in this photo.
 The Goat Bottom boys readying themselves for the plunge with a little mulled wine.
 All the swimmers - not many this year (its been cold compared to other years) and lots of people are away.  From left: Dave; Rob as Osama; Zorina as Christmas fairy; Michael; and Josh as Adolf - beret, moustache and embarrassing flag.
 Rob held hands with Zorina, said '1, 2, 3, Go' and jumped.  Luckily he wasn't holding her hand too tight.
 In she went, very bravely, but the cold terrified her.  Rob did a good job soothing and helping her.  Well done, Zorina!
 Christmas Tree in flight.
 Where's the costume gone?  At least the star made it.
 I missed Dave's dive, but he seems pleased with himself - how did that hat stay on?
 Josh - an action shot.
 Hat, beard - all he lost was his piece of straw.  Well done all swimmers - very brave.

No shortage of watchers, though!

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