Saturday 31 December 2011


23 and 24 December

The band were booked every night through Christmas.  Friday night at Mamma Mia’s; then Saturday they played in Nikiana – the owner was at the School Bazaar and asked them to play Christmas Eve in his bar, with a view to more gigs in the summer if it went well.  It was a very Greek audience – hardly any response to the music, but when they tried to finish, endless requests for more numbers.  It seems to have gone well.  The bar is not very big, and so the band separated out around the entrance door and this Christmas tree.  Vinnie couldn't do the gig, so Maggie stood in - her first public appearance since starting to learn the bass in the summer.  She did very well, despite having had little chance to rehearse, and having to read the music for most numbers off a stand in the corner.

I hadn’t been feeling too well for a few days – maybe too much food on Solstice, but Dave said it might be the water.  When there’s been rain for weeks it can compromise the fresh water in some way, so we’ve moved to bottled water for a while.  Anyway, I left before the end, needing some sleep before the big day.

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