Thursday 4 November 2010


Saturday 30 October continued

I saw the first snake on the land today.  I was exploring the top NW corner (now informally known as 'Pooh Corner' for its useful ground cover) to see if we could bring in the final few foundation blocks by another route - downhill rather than uphill. 

A long grey snake about 1.5 to 2 cm thick and perhaps a metre long whipped out of the sun and into the undergrowth as I approached.  I only caught a glimpse of it, but our reptile identity book suggests that it was a Montpellier Snake:  "A large, formidable snake ... with a penetrating expression.  An aggressive, agile and mainly terrestrial snake" (what does that mean?  Oh, I see ...) "able to climb in vegetation."  Apparently it doesn't find it easy to bite humans because of the position of its fangs, and if it does, swelling and fever "usually pass in a few hours." 

It is rather disconcerting to share Pooh Corner with Monty the Snake, especially as I had urgent need to make a visit there myself soon after.

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