Thursday 4 November 2010

Reaching first base

3 November 2010

The underneath of the base got finished.  The structure is almost too heavy even to push around on the decking.  We need a good many helping hands to get this moved.  It's going to take a miracle to get enough people together at once - we only need five minutes, but it's going to be very difficult to find people with five spare minutes all at the same time.  Help, please, universe (please, please).

 Pauline bringing a relaxed and calming attitude to the final stages, 
then we checked out the road works, although there was no progress this time, but we did see Marvin the Paranoid Cat again,
before repairing to George's for a frugal supper ...

(actually we stayed for seven hours, eating many leisurely courses and talking forever).

We had had a call from Constantine the Architect, saying he would be in Nidri, and could he pick up the model of the cottage, but in the event, he didn't turn up - the pressures of electioneering prevented it.  So we showed the model to upside down George, who was very interested, and said that Albanian village people used to build with earth and lime plaster, and it's considered a very healthy living environment.

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