Thursday 4 November 2010

Fixing the final block

Saturday 30 October continued some more

The final block went in.  Dave was worn out with barrowing kerbstones and mixing mortar, so I got to do the last two.  A satisfying feeling, although given that its taken us a whole month to get a job done that should only have taken a few days, we can't be too smug about it.

A glimpse into our 'tool shed' (the cab of the camper truck)

Oh, and I remembered one of the reasons why the blog has been suffering neglect this month - in a moment of madness I went along to the Pantomime casting meeting, and to my surprise (shock, horror) came away with the part of Snow White.  She's not a traditional tweety-bird Disney character, though - the panto is called Snow White meets Dracula, and Snow is a butch teenager with attitude who wants to be a marine engineer.  It's not a large part, she gets killed off twice - once by Dracula and once by the wicked Queen - but I've got to get a louder voice and learn how to sing (by next March)  (don't panic ...!)

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