Thursday 18 November 2010

Save Tuna

This is a bit of an aside - as people who enjoy fishing we've been concerned about the declining fish stocks around here.  It's no fun fishing if there's nothing to catch.  A local study of dolphins shows a reduction from hundreds to only about 15 over the last couple of decades, presumably because the fish they eat are in short supply.  Apparently it's the result of over-fishing especially of bluefin tuna, with powerful technological weaponry that the fish can't compete against. 

We recently watched a documentary movie called 'The End of the Line' which explains some of what has been going on in fishing, and how global fish stocks are becoming seriously endangered.  Anyway, there's an international meeting to decide quotas happening in a few days, and a pressure group is calling for people to sign a petition to show public support for reduced quotas.

If you're interested, it's at:

The film website: is worth a look, and has info about which fish are endangered and should not be bought in restaurants and shops.  Unfortunately, it doesn't cover the Greek market, only the US and UK, so we can't find out whether our favourite: fried Gavros (a type of anchovy) is an acceptable choice.

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