Sunday 28 November 2010

Boaty things

Friday 19 November 2010 to Sunday 21st

Spent Friday morning finishing the rafter triangles, then went to meet Josh at the boat, who had agreed to clean the barnacles off the bottom before the two days of racing this weekend. 

I took a photo because he was looking extremely cool in a wetsuit, which isn't easy:

 We had a fantastic race on the Saturday, starting 1 pm out of Ligia and racing round Agios Nikolaos island (off One Tree Bay) and into Vathi on Meganissey.  The conditions really suited Tropi and we finished fourth over the line - well up with the fast boats in the racing class (we're cruising class).  As a result we had loads of extra drinking time (due to being a little exhilarated), and it was an hour before the next boats after us came in.

There was a good evening do laid on in Vathi.  It was a memorial in honour of a local boy who joined the Port Police and was killed by drug runners out of Albania 10 years ago.  There were quite a few Greek boats in the race, and one of the crew struck up on this bazouki or mandolin (don't know the difference!).  A very good night.

Sunday's race back wasn't quite as good as it was all downwind, which isn't our best point of sail.  But we did all right, coming second on handicap by 5 seconds!

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