Wednesday 17 November 2010


Saturday 13 November 2010

We put in a couple of days in the boatyard, then got back to work at Goat Bottom with more painting and nailing, until the floor was finished - but unfortunately too newly painted for dancing a jig.  But it's a nice stable solid structure, if rather yellow, so we are very pleased with it. 

Nearly finished, we looked up and found the field had filled with sheep.  A whole herd had wandered in and was munching it's way around our site.  Perhaps a message from the universe to say, 'use sheep's wool next time'.

Some time after the herd had passed through we had another visitor.  We got talking, he introduced himself as Christoforos, and said he was seventy-five.  He had two large fat clean fluffy sheep that followed close on his heels, completely unfazed by us. 

Christoforos was very interested in the works, asked us where we came from, and pointed out that the base wasn't level.  He spoke village Greek, so we were mostly guessing what our conversation was about, but this bit seemed very clear.  So Dave had to get the spirit level and prove that it was - we hadn't checked it since putting down the floor, so we were greatly relieved to find it spot on!

He asked Dave if he was a builder, to be making something like this, and our pidgin Greek enabled us to respond with 'we know nothing!' (kseroume tipota!) which made him laugh.  His sheep, which he referred to as his dogs (does that make them dog-sheeps?) snuffled around a bit in our straw but turned their nose up at the mould.

He seemed the very person to talk to about our olive trees, so we asked his opinion, and he walked down to the large tree and shook one of the low branches - lots of olives fell off - time for the olive harvest, before the next big winds, he said.


  1. I love this photo with the sheep and the amazing back drop x

  2. And the floor looks really good ..... and the colour is perfect, Lefkada Sunshine! Well done x
