Saturday 28 February 2015

Clear up and Linen Press

26-27 Feb 2015

Now we have to wait for the floors to dry.  While we wait, I'm trying to get as much cleared and tidied up as possible, in preparation for the party, but also because it is a good idea generally.  We have things stashed here and there and everywhere that we can't find or have forgotten we have.

We have so much left over wood - a lot of it is suitable only for burning, but the stove over-reacts to pine so we can't burn it as quickly as I'd like.  Anyway, it all needs sorting and relocating out of the living room/workshop. 

I started off by sorting the entry hall.  Since clearing the bathroom, this had become our new dumping ground, and there was nowhere to feed the cats.  So I put up lots more coat hangers and used the polythene that came with the bath to cover an exposed bit of wall to give the cats a cosy feed corner.

A big problem is that I overspec'd the plasterboard for the bathroom, as I had assumed we would put the boards in at full height, but it is much nicer to only have a few rows of tiles around the bath, and have lime plaster above - especially as it will help regulate humidity.  So we have two big plasterboards left over, which are too heavy for one person to lift and have to be stored flat on a flat surface - an impossible requirement.  After much brain racking, I decided we could profitably build a linen cupboard, using up wood as well as the plasterboard on a really useful installation.  So I built one.  It took much longer than expected: two days not half a day.  There are no shelves yet, they aren't a priority.

 Day one: uprights in place, and a ceiling board with insulation fitted to batons and painted white

 Day two: floor board cut, painted and fitted, and plasterboard panels installed.  Clutter inserted.  The little table to the left will be my sewing corner.

I haven't mentioned the gold curtains that are acting as bathroom walls while the floor dries.  A couple of weeks ago Pedro from Nisos rang and said he was getting rid of some things, and did we want any of them.  So we took gold curtains and more bedside tables - to use as side tables in the music room.  The curtains, unlikely as it may seem, have been a godsend as a temporary wall.

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