Friday 27 February 2015

Under the Boardwalk

Monday Evening, 23 Feb 2015

Still pouring the floor - a major effort, as the corridor area is very large, Dave making mixes at top speed as he had arranged for a jam session with potential new band members at 4.30 and needed to wash and change.

While he made the last mix I built another boardwalk, out of all our remaining offcuts of plywood, and installed the batons as each section was finished.  Dave supplied the last mix and rushed off to wash, while I tamped and leveled, then teetered across the batons installing the boardwalk and putting the curtains back up.  The left over mix went into the front step, which we have been filling gradually whenever there's some mortar left in the barrow at the end of the day - too wasteful to pour away.

 The band arrived, set up and started practicing as I poured the leftovers into the front step and leveled it, building a scruffy boardwalk out of outdoor scrap wood, just as the band launched into 'Under the Boardwalk'.  Really.  How weird is that?

Dave had to go and meet John the drummer and singer Pete (top right and left), so they arrived together and I warned them about the freshly poured floor.  Panos (bass, centre left) arrived a moment later, and as he is familiar with the house and helped plaster the bale wall at the last bale raising, I didn't worry too much about warning him.  So of course, it was Panos who left a deep shoe print in the new floor.  The 'crete was so fresh it was easy to smooth out and re-level, but he was terribly embarrassed.

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