Friday 27 February 2015

A Way with the Mixer

Monday 23 Feb 2015

Time presses on and this floor needs to be solid before the Birthday.  So we pressed on too.

 On Friday 20th we poured the last section of the bathroom.  We were all set for finishing this in good time for Greek Lessons at 4pm, but with one mix to go, when Naomi had just managed to get to us to help (she'd been held up by all sorts of things) - the mixer broke down.  Dave had just filled it with 8 buckets of sand and gravel when it died.  Nim and I took tea in the sunshine, while Dave swore at the carburettor and the fuel pipe.  Eventually he got it going - he definitely has a way with the mixer, that man!  Finished, and the boardwalk replaced and extended (and nearer the sink) and curtains fitted on a long pole, with seconds to spare before Greek.  Phew!

 It took us the weekend to decide that we couldn't stop there.  While we were pouring floor, we needed to finish the section up to the stairs as well and have it all done.  To manage this section, which is rather wide, we changed direction, especially as this would support a boardwalk as well.

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