Friday 27 February 2015

First board up

5 Feb 2015

After installing the batons for the first ceiling space, we then worked out how to make the insulation stay up (by cutting laths just slightly too long and jamming them in at intervals) and measured and cut the first board.  We are using the cheapest suitable material we can find, which turns out to be OSB board (like chipboard, but with extra big flakes), which doesn't have very good eco-credentials, but does hold in insulation, so it's a trade-off.  The board needs two coats of paint to look good, and we haven't got space under cover to have more than one of these drying at any time, so we work one board at a time.

I am taking antibiotics and super-strong painkillers prior to having a root canal treatment, and I also managed to break a separate tooth, so we are off to the dentist in Lefkas twice a week at the moment.  This is why it took two days to get the first board in place.

First board fixed, second board batons and insulation ready, waiting for the board to be painted.

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