Friday 27 February 2015

Tap Dancing

13-14 Feb 2015

Friday the 13th was a good day for the dentist.  When making the appointment he said - 'It's okay, we Greeks consider Tuesday the 13th the unlucky day.'  So that's okay then!

It turned out lovely, so we were lucky.  After the filling we took the dog for a walk along Milos beach on the north edge of Lefkas.  Beautiful and empty.  As it was strange territory for 'Strange Fruity' we let her off the leash in the hope she wouldn't run off, and she bounded happily along the shore.  And didn't run off.  Robbie and Sue are back in two days so we've nearly finished our dog-minding.

The next day was romantic St Valentine's - which we spent in very prosaic fashion: fitting the shower tap.  This sounds simple, but until you've tried it you can't imagine the frustration and heartache it creates.  The tap pipes are fixed to the wall, and fed through holes drilled in the plasterboard.  They need to be level with each other, the right distance apart and the right distance out from the wall.  This last was the problem - they were too far back.  Using keyhole surgery techniques, we managed to fit tiny blocks behind each pipe to push them forward enough for the screw fittings to bite.

 Dave starting the struggle at 11:15

 Four hours later, at 15:15, giving no indication of the trauma involved, the shower is finally all tiled

 In keeping with the romantic theme of the day, we then set to work to finish paving around the loo.  When we first had the loo installed, we needed enough floor level paving to secure it.  Since doing this, we have decided to change the planned flooring from rough stone to terracotta.  This little corner, however, has to stay stone.  So we will put in a little courtesy wall by the loo and just pave this little bit.

All done, me puzzling out the jigsaw and Dave stone cutting any corners that refuse to fit otherwise.

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