Monday 31 December 2012

Pressed Olives

29 December 2012

We took our three bulging sacks of olives up to the little press in Vournikas on Friday 28th, just to find the place deserted.  Eventually I found a helpful lady who said they'd be working again tomorrow, and we could leave the sacks and our container and come back tomorrow.  So on Saturday off we went to the press, which was bustling with activity this time, and collected our canister.  It is a 25 litre container, so we reckoned we have about 13 to 14 litres.  Two years ago we collected 2 sacksful, for 9 litres, and paid 10 euros.  This time we didn't have to pay, which means he took his 13% cut for the press, so probably we collected about 16 litres of olives.  Not bad for a half-harvest, started late, with hardly any nets.  Should be enough for a year and a half.

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