Sunday 30 December 2012

Picking Olives

Friday 14 Dec

Because of the potential dispute over ownership of the olive trees we have been reluctant to take any action.  But it is a fantastic year for olives, and heartbreaking to see ours falling wastefully to the ground.

 We seriously considered buying some more olive nets, but the proper ones come on a 4 x 20 metre roll from Lefkas town – which would droop out of the back of the van and scrape along the road.   I got as far as buying a roof-rack for the Punto, but then I couldn’t afford the nets.  So, we set to work to pick the remaining olives: Dave using our old nets, moved from tree to tree, while thwacking with a stick, and I did the ‘yia-yia’ (grandmother) job of picking fallen ones from the ground one by one.  Here's my bucket after the first half hour - a slow process!

Then we went out for the evening to see Robbie and Sue in gold lamé at the premier of their latest blockbuster – ‘Titanic II, the second sinking’  Look for it on YouTube. 


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