Monday 31 December 2012

It's a Wrap

Monday 31 December 2012

So here we are, at the end of the year.  Lots achieved, lots more to do.  Overjoyed that the build finally progressed as far as it did this year, only a roof covering away from being all under our own steam.  Hmm, 'steam-powered' just about sums us up.  It won't be a quick process, but as long as we don't try to do too much.  It's amazing how plodding along gets things done.

So a big wish to all our families and friends for health and happiness in 2013 and beyond, and anyone feeling fit who fancies some time in Greece - there's accommodation and food waiting here for you, and lots of good old-fashioned outdoor work!

Dave and I getting squishy in the bedroom!

Sanding the foundation beam

then treating it with preservative.

Notso pretty well recovered, sunbathing with Astro.

We're going to fire up the generator for hot water soon, to get ourselves scrubbed up for partying.  We will put the chickens in their pen early, feed the cats, and then move Sid and his kennel and his biscuits and everything else down to the quay, where Pete and Ed have brought the boat in.  We're all eating in Mamma Mia's tonight, after a bit of a crawl to wish happy New Year to Savvas and Adonis at Elite, and Kyriakos and Nea at New Byblos.  Then we'll stay overnight on Pete's boat, as ours is just a bit cold and damp for this time of year.

Love to you all

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