Monday 31 December 2012

Christmas Day

Tuesday 25 December 2012

 We decided on small pressies for Christmas day:  a capo (guitar-y thing) for Dave, and a mortice gauge for me (ambitious woodworking here I come!)

We were going to Amanda (from Art Group)'s house for Christmas dinner.  She had her Mum to stay and had also invited Lesley, a mutual friend.  Amanda is vegetarian, but didn't mind us carnivores in the kitchen, so we said we'd bring a chicken to roast.  At the butchers on Christmas eve, we asked for a local chicken, around 2.25kg (4-5lbs) but he could only produce an athletic looking thing about half that.  So we agreed to take a turkey - equally athletic, but a bit larger.  We arrived at Amanda's almost on time, put the turkey in the oven with Amanda's Mum to mind it, while the other four of us took Sid and Amanda's dog Sol for a long walk.  Unfortunately, we came back via our land, to show Lesley where the build was up to, and forgot Sol wasn't trained like Sid.  He flushed the chickens out of the undergrowth and grabbed Notso.  Dave and Amanda had to prise his jaws open to release the bird, who was obviously shellshocked.  I put her away in the pen and we kept our fingers crossed that she wasn't too hurt.

We got back later than planned and had the usual Christmas dinner panic to get everything on the table on time.  I nipped back up the land just as it was getting dark to check the chickens and close the pen, Notso still traumatised, but eating, which seemed promising.  We had a lovely day apart from the chicken scare, finishing up with port and stilton and trivial pursuit by the fire in the evening.

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