Monday 31 December 2012

Around the site

Sunday 30 December 2012

This is how our new view looks, from the decking, lots more sea to see.  It will fill back in as the olive trees grow, it feels a bit exposed as it is.

 Lots of logs from one of the pruned branches.  Loads more to do!

One of our house corners, showing how the damp is discolouring the wood, we urgently need dry days to treat the structure against damp and termites.

 Under the eaves - the view along the front of the house, looking east.  Very much a building site.  The extended roof will go over the glass-house trombe wall, all in due course.  We have the roof before the foundations in that location, definitely starting the wrong way up.

We enjoyed our Christmas Day walk with Sid so much, we did it again on Sunday, this time with the camera.

Even if Robbie and Sue are in Cambodia, we have our very own Ankor Wot? closer to home.  Dave showing his strength

Sid in a mountain pond

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