Thursday 28 May 2020

Clearing the Comfrey

11 - 13 May 2020

We continue to get things done in the garden, although the weather is having a 'mini heat-wave' in the 30s.

 The most amazing iris has appeared in the pond - like velvet.

 We dug up two of the early potato plants and found an excellent crop underneath.  

 The terraced beds south of the house are doing very well

As the comfrey was in a nice shady corner, I decide to get on with clearing the ground around it.  It came up really nicely, and was easy to weed, since it is at the end of our grey water (shower and laundry) water from the house, so the earth is constantly wet.  Such a nice damp shady spot, I thought I'd try planting my rhubarb seedlings here too.

 Pretty comfrey

 A dragonfly visited the pond - and promptly started laying eggs - fantastic!

 The cat on a pedestal - not amused.

 Another cauliflower is ready - and magnificent!

 A tiny damselfly also visiting the pond.

The new 'wiggly' raised bed on the terrace is flourising with herbs and salad.

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