Wednesday 29 January 2020

The Great Gate Debacle

10 - 19 January 2020

While I was in the UK, Dave had the gate project to manage.  The under-gate area had been concreted when the track was done.  The gate people then came and measured - but not very well.  The gates arrived and sat around for two weeks over Christmas.  Then the gate people came back and tried to fit the gates, but one side would not swing open because the concrete sloped too much.

 Gates are fine when closed

Large amount of concrete had to be chipped out to enable the upper gate to open.  I refused to allow this to be dumped in the hedgerows, and suggested it be used as hardcore where we intend to put more water containers.
 Pile of chippings at the foot of the bank.

Delivery of stone for dry-stone walling the retaining bank below the house.  This was a triumph, as the track was just newly dry enough to allow a small truck to get to us.  But only a small truck, so he had to make multiple deliveries until after dark to drop it all off.

 New concrete laid so now the gate opens.

 The pedestrian gate is fitted, too

 and a bolt installed

Dave makes a new archery target.

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