Wednesday 29 January 2020

Lining the Pond - part 1

21 January 2020

We have finally heard that the waterproof pond liner we want is due to be despatched, so it was okay to start work on the underlay.  We hadn't wanted to start too early in case strong winds or heavy rain destroyed the work before it was covered.

 As our soil is riddled with little sharp pieces of gravel, we have to protect the liner with buffer layers so that the pressure of water doesn't gouge holes in it.  Dave took on this job, barrowing sand endlessly to fill the base of the deep section and ramp.

 I rootled through the linen cupboard, and was frankly pleased to find a use for the excess of bedspreads and rugs from the days when they were the walls of our bedroom.  Hope I removed all the staples!

 The view into the pit, as the sand goes in

 A fabulous flowering borage plant overlooking the pond, self seeded here, but perhaps a bit vulnerable with all the work going on.

 Rugs to protect the deep sides.

 Sand on the first shelf - stomped down onto the rug tops to hold them in place

End of day one - lots done and Dave exhausted.

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