Tuesday 28 January 2020

Making new terraces

3 - 6 January 2020

Back from our short trip to Kalavryta, in the snow, we prioritised our heating system immediately on return, stacking the log store full to the top.  Then I had a moment of epiphany (appropriately).  We had two decisions to make: where would we put annual veg beds; and what should we do with the slope in front of the south face of the house.  It being Epiphany, it was suddenly clear that we should put the veg beds in front of the house!

 About two months supply if we light the stove every day, which is likely in Jan & Feb

 The first bed, made to follow the contour of the land, which created a very pleasing curve. Not many stones left now, we will need a delivery.

 In the older terraced area, we have lost this bed entirely to a type of convolvulus, with a very pretty pink flower in spring, but it spreads madly.  We decided to raid the stones for the new terrace, and cover this one in cardboard.  Then we can throw weedy waste from the Moringa beds to compost on top.

 Dave waters the turnips in the raised beds.  They are doing rather well, although we planted far too many, although this has the unexpected benefit of providing lots of young turnip leaves for salad as we thin them out.

 Dave shovels earth from the pile created by the digger when we pulled back a metre of soil from the front of the house.

 Then I barrow it round to the little bed around the citrus tree

Taking a break

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