Wednesday 29 January 2020

Lining the Pond - part 2

23 January 2020

The next pond layer, which was purchased 'proper' underlayment (as the Americans call it), on the belt and braces principle.

 This needed both of us, so I abandoned my terraced bed construction and climbed into the hole to help lay out the underlay and weigh it down with stones.  It ended up looking like the Starship Enterprise, or a giant manta ray.

 Meanwhile, the workforce had a good wiggle on, and had finished the bank.  They were now building a little retaining wall at the foot of the bank to be filled and levelled with hardcore and gravel to support more water tanks.

 Looking good

Later that evening, the real pond liner arrives - all 150 kilos of it.  The delivery people got it as far as the kitchen decking - the problem from here is all ours!

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