Wednesday 29 January 2020

Lining the Pond - part 3

24 January 2020

Our friend Michael had said to let him know if we needed help when we reached this stage, and wonderfully he turned up as asked.  We loaded the 150 kilo pond liner onto a ladder, and with the help of the workforce, it was carried down and put in position.  It was massively too large, but we need the offcuts for overflows and reed beds and other future plans.

 Dave and Michael start unfolding and spreading

 The view from the hole

 Guess who decided to be the one at the bottom

 in January, with bare feet while the others poured in stones to hold down the bottom?

 All laid out as best we could

 Adding water to ensure the liner spreads out into all the nooks and crannies of the pit

My foot - what a fabulously clear print.  Damp dust from the pebbles

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