Wednesday 2 November 2011

Preparing the Potato Patch

Sunday  23 October

Dave had got all determined on the coach back from Albania, after visiting the farmer’s market, and decided we were going to have a potato patch.  I wandered off down the field and idly sketched out a plot, way down at the bottom of the field where the ground is flattest and where the decent soil lives.  It's also near the composted horse manure heap, to be added in due course.  Amazingly, Dave was galvanised into a serious bit of ground breaking even though it was his day off.  He had to pickaxe through the top layer, and then we could use Tina & Shrimpy’s Rotavator (which they asked us if they could keep here to prevent their Greek neighbours borrowing it to destruction) to turn it over. 
The kids from the Winnebago got interested and came over to help:

Kieran and Isabel helping to pick out the stones

 Kieran finds a worm

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