Tuesday 1 November 2011

Albania, here we come!

Arrival:  Sunday 16 October 2011

For three years now, we’ve missed the Albania trip organised by upside-down George, so this year, despite pressing business with Tropi, we decided we were definitely going to go.  There were 19 of us on the trip: Mad Robbie, Rob, Tambourine Dave, Sue, Dave and I; six other British from Lefkas Marina; and seven Swedes.  It was a laugh.  Rob, Robbie and Dave had guitars, Tambourine Dave was percussion and we had loads of music on the bus and in the evenings.

We visited two World Heritage sites in two days: Butrint and Gjirokastro, and had an altogether very silly time.  Here are some photos:

 Silly hats in George’s before we leave

  Silly hats in the bus en route

 Crossing the border (whistling the theme from 'The Great Escape')

   Saranda – George’s home town and our base for three days.  Very over-developed, but on a lovely bay – this is the prettiest view of it I could manage

  In a little taverna, after a good meal, Rob entertaining everyone

  The locals, (George second from left) bemused

 Paul, Cathy, Sadie and Denis getting into the spirit

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