Sunday 23 January 2011

Olive Oil update

Saturday 15 January 2011

The olive oil had to be decanted from the container, which we had promised to leave at a local garage to be collected by Stefanos - which was nice of him, as it saved us another trip up into the hinterland.  Not that that's a particular hardship, of course.

So we had nine litres, that makes six 1.5 litre water bottles.  But they need to be washed, in case we'd been drinking from them, and then dried.  Neither of us knows whether water in the oil is a major issue, but Dave said you get diesel bug if water gets into fuel, so it would be best to have them properly dried.  So I sellotaped them all together and balanced them on a radiator.  Dave wondered if I was up to some strange installation art.

When we poured out the oil it was still cloudy, but a week later, when I'd remembered to get some tape to write labels on, it had magically cleared down, so I took the bottles out into the sun for this photo.

In the background of the olive oil photo is our lemon tree in a pot, so I took a proper photo of that too, as a reminder to get a move on, so it can be planted out on the land as soon as possible, while still dormant for winter.  (Although not that dormant, as it's putting out little lemon buds even now in mid-winter).

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