Sunday 23 January 2011

Do we want tenants?

Friday 7 January 2011

Pantomime rehearsals are taking up much time at the moment, in addition to everything else.  If you recall, I am cast as Snow White (against all probability) and spend Wednesday evenings and most Saturday afternoons demonstrating an inability to act naturally. 

Last Weds rehearsal, Vince came over to me and asked whether Dave and I would consider tenants, as he knew of a couple who were looking for somewhere to put a camper van.  I suggested we meet them, and a rendezvous was arranged.

Meanwhile, we persuaded Vince and Angie to come and see our patch of land.

- it's out there somewhere!

While there, we got a first coat of preservative on the door: it's pinkish ply, painted with the tail end of the yellow stain we used on the floor - yep! it was like painting on false tan - it went a strange orange colour.  Two more coats to go.
Back at the apartment, the builders next door, in the sheep-field-as-was, had issued an ultimatum to the wisteria - if we wanted to keep it, it had to be removed asap.  So Dave chopped it out - a couple of inch-thick roots had taken themselves under our slab of concrete, so they just had to be hacked through.

I dug it a nice hole and planted it on the south west corner of the van.  Fingers crossed.
Vince's friends, Michael and Alison, turned up on Saturday.  He'd said he thought they maybe had children, teenagers, perhaps, so we were a little surprised to meet five year old twins, Isabel and Elise, and two year old Kieran.  However, everyone was very well behaved, even Dave and I, and we all got on very well.  Dave being adopted as a surrogate granddad by the twins and Kieran deciding to sit on my knee.

Michael and Alison are looking to do something very similar to what we're doing, including all the eco-stuff, and seem rather excellent potential neighbours at Goat Bottom.  Alison has experience of keeping chickens and would like to write; while Michael used to work in health and safety on the oil rigs - a slightly worrying specialism given our work practices, until he explained he's now working in the boatyard and finds it a refreshing change!

After all the excitement, we put up the siding in the North gable end, and created this hatch so we can inspect for leaks, and store some stuff in the roof space.

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