Friday 28 January 2011

Health matters

Monday 24 January 2011

On Monday we were due to go to the hospital.  Dave had had a virus over the New Year and the GP recommended a series of blood tests by way of an MOT.  I decided to get some too, on the basis that what you don't know could kill you.  And Monday was raining, so nothing much else was doing.  So we got up bright and early and went to Lefkas, arriving at the hospital at 9 am.  We then queued among the little old ladies in black for half an hour before making it to the reception window.  Dave has a medical insurance so he presented his book, but the receptionist looked at it, flicked through the pages, and said 'No'. 

It transpired that his book hadn't been updated.  Despite paying regularly every six months, he also had to go once a year to the Town Hall in Nidri to get stamped.  He hadn't been ill since getting the book in 2007, so he didn't know this.  We made a call to Lilias, our guide to all things Lefkadian, and she explained.  The Town Hall only deals with medical insurance on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so we couldn't get any further that day.

Meanwhile, not having medical insurance, I walked into a smart microbiology surgery, asked if they could do the tests, they agreed, I paid, they took a blood sample, and said the results would be ready the next day.

As we were on a health check mission, I also had an eye test, again just walking in off the street and getting immediate attention.  Interestingly, the Greeks don't do eye tests at the opticians, but at separate eye doctor surgeries - presumably they don't trust the opticians not to sell them glasses they don't really need.

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