Wednesday 31 March 2021

Paperchasing again

 29-31 March 2021

Now that Dave has reached pensionable age, he is able to register an ‘S1’ form for reciprocal healthcare in Greece.  This is good news, and the form eventually came in the post, so we are attempting to get it registered.   Having collected all imaginable documents already, for the new residence permit and the driving licence renewal, we thought we were home and dry, but there is no end to the bureaucratic machinations of the Greek state, and a translated birth certificate was required.

So we set off for Lefkas on Monday morning.

Which was when we found out that the car has a low tyre pressure warning system, and cleverly flagged up our puncture, adding some fun to the morning’s paperchase.

At the end of a hard day’s bureaucracy, a little cider and a vase of freesias 

Next day, on with the moringa bed weeding.  These are two of the three raised beds in which we rescued the top soil from where the pond was going to go.  They are now spare, and some thought shall be given to their next use.

The soil from the raised box spread out across the bed

Two and a half beds weeded in this section, only half a bed to go.

This is a view of our hedge from the field below.  We are incensed that our neighbour decided to set his fires of prunings right up against the terrace wall, with resulting severe damage to some of our trees in two places.  We don’t know if it was careless or malicious, but we are angry.

On Wednesday we returned to Lefkas with the translated documents and successfully registered Dave’s S1.  We understood that it would cover family members too (me), but that wasn’t specified on the form, so some enquiries will need to be made.

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