Tuesday 30 March 2021

More Gravel

4-5 March 2021

On with emptying those builders bags.  Two and a half cubic metres of gravel to tidy up the path around the house.  Been meaning to do this since forever!

Getting started, with our brand new shiny ‘gold standard’ rake

This is where we were at, the corner by the bathroom window, with waste pipes to cover.  After a few barrow-loads we were very grateful for ‘Richie’s seat’, the flat stone on a disguised concrete protrusion in the foreground.  When we were building this part of the stem wall, my son Richie was here helping, and he insisted he’d found the perfect bum-shaped stone to go here.  He was right, and we were grateful.

This is an almost surreal photo of rocket in flower in front of a duvet cover on the line.  Quite strange.

Dave brings yet another barrow for me to rake out.

Having been reminded by my brother that it was our wedding anniversary, we stopped to take tea by the pond.

Then, on with the gravelling, completing this corner - the line of tiles are covering the copper lightning earth cable.

And then round the corner, back towards the paved courtyard area, but not quite finished

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