Tuesday 30 March 2021

A New Fridge

 2 - 3 March 2021

Our old fridge still felt like a new fridge to me, but it had become very inefficient with a faulty door seal and freezer seal.  Also, Dave was finding it harder to get things out of the very low shelves, so it was time for a new one.  Although I’ve always prided myself on being able to get everything in our under-counter fridge, it has been a struggle at times, and in summer we lose veg more quickly if there’s no room for it in the cold.  A larger fridge was called for.

An excitingly large box arrives.  We tried to persuade the delivery van to come up to our gates, but the trees were overgrowing the track too much.  He ended up leaving the assistant to turn the van, while he carried the fridge on his back up the hill and all the way into the kitchen. We tipped him well!

The old fridge out, while the new one settles down

We measure and estimate and draw lines, then Dave jigsaws a chunk out of the worktop.  Thank goodness for homemade kitchens, you can be very cavalier about alterations!

The new fridge in position.  We’ve lost some worktop, but gained lots more cool storage, and we can still get at all the mugs and tea caddies on the shelf above.

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