Thursday 29 April 2021

One horse town

 1 - 2 April 2021

This is the third raised bed plumped on top of the existing beds in order to save the top soil that was where the pond was going to go.  After weeding, and cropping the few leeks still struggling on in it, I lifted the frame out, and raked out the earth.

Before weeding

After clearing the bed, lifting the frame and raking out the soil.  All looking very nice, but bare earth is vulnerable to weed seeds.

So an order of straw bales was called for, and rapidly arrived.

Meanwhile, we gathered proof that Nidri really is a one-horse town!
We were in Nidri because the booking had opened for Dave's age group for the vaccine, but the website kept crashing, so in the end, after a frustrating session on line, we went down to a pharmacy and booked his jab.

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