Saturday 30 November 2019

The long steps

30 November 2109

More work around the front door.  We had an Albanian friend to help, who is significantly younger and stronger than we are, which encouraged us to work longer and harder than we usually do. 

 The drainage ditch outside the door has become clogged with earth washing down the ramp, and doesn't drain this area, instead we have a puddle forming up against the wall of the Solarium, which is far from ideal.  So the ditch was dug out down to the pipe, the old compromised gravel was removed, and our last supplies of clean gravel were put in.  We can't get any more gravel until the track is stabilised and the ground dries up.

 As the ramp from the proposed car port is long and shallow, we decided to put in gravel steps held in place with offcuts of decking board and pieces of rebar.  This is the quickest and easiest form of step construction, so we powered through it, despite some falls of rain.  We were able to use the old gravel dug out of the ditch, which was handy.

 Dave's plaka-covered pipe trench, with the first covering of soil going on

 By 3pm we had the long steps completed.  The steepness of the slope changes in the middle, requiring us to shorten the central five steps.  Hopefully our brains will be able to deal with this, as it is not a normal thing for steps to do.  It wouldn't be a massive job to re-do this in future if it doesn't work well.

 Dave's trench all filled in and levelled to the ramp.

The drainage ditch forming a tripping hazard outside the front door until we can get more gravel.

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