Saturday 30 November 2019

Pipe burying and Step making

29 November 2011

While all the track laying excitement was going on elsewhere, we started looking at the route from the proposed new car parking area to the house.  As we have been using the kitchen door for a very long time, the front door area has been neglected.

 Yesterday, we had laid some dry-stone walling along the edge of this low bank running down to the front door - just far enough to start work on two sets of steps.

 Dave started work on burying the water pipes and armoured electric cables that run up the slope to the water heaters and to carry power to the car charger at the shed.

 I started on the short steps down from the bank to the door.  Three treads, for which we found massive rock slabs around 85 by 35 cm at the builders' yard.  The twelve breeze blocks required were scrounged up from various dumping grounds around the land.

 All three treads in place, and one of the slabs (the only one I can lift) tried out on top.  We will make a lime mortar mix to fix down the treads and render the faces of the blocks.

 Dave covered the buried pipes with plaka pieces.  These can be covered in earth and will not be noticeable, but will prevent accidental pickaxing in the future.

By the evening, dry-stone wall with short steps in the background.  Positioning of the first long step worked out, to run along where the board is on the soil.

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