Saturday 30 November 2019

Digger Day 1

24 November 2019

Finally!  The long-awaited digger day arrived.  We have just had the e-car in for its first annual service (it had to go to Athens, so we were in a petrol courtesy car for about 10 days - shockingly smelly and noisy!) which reminded us that we have been waiting to get the track and other digging jobs done for Over A Year!

So, we were overjoyed to have the matter progressing, even if a large yellow JCB on your land is a fearsome thing.

 That 'Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' moment - when you unexpectedly think 'yellow'??

 Ready to go, with the digger having dodged carefully round all of our trees to get in position

 Shelves in the pond get dug out

 The sculpted pond.  Now we have to search out a liner and plants.

 Work starts on the bank below the house.  First thing - move all the old bags of sand and gravel.  When some of them split, we just had to have them spread out where they were.

 The finished bank - much neater, and a little steeper

Widened access to the front door, and space around the Solarium. 
This created a huge soil heap to put into raised beds as they get built.

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