Thursday 28 November 2019

Readying for Winter

31 Oct - 3 Nov

When we left Greece for a week in the UK it was still summer weather, rather warmer than usual so late in the year.  But the change is coming, and we need to get the fire ready.  This is a bit of a struggle - we have to remove the lower section of chimney in order to sweep, which requires the bracket holding the upper sections to be supported.  This time Dave made a wooden frame, instead of last year's wobbly tower, so it wasn't quite so traumatic.  Even so, the chimney section is all gummed up with soot and takes some effort to get apart, clean up and return to working order. 

 This is the stove - the freshly polished bit of stove-pipe is gleaming in the photo above!  Still too warm for it yet, but good to be ready.

 Then we turned to the window panels for the Solarium.  These had spent the summer under a rug leaned up in the Solarium, and apart from some spiders, seemed to be fine, although a few days of rain had sent red dust all over the weather side.  

 The panels popped in easily, and just needed a good cleaning to return the Solarium to pristine condition.

 With the rugs washed it all looks quite cosy

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