Thursday 28 November 2019

Checking out the garden

4 Nov 2019

The little raised beds made of rescued soil from the proposed pond site have started sprouting.  Mainly turnips - but we like turnips, so that's okay, although crickets or slugs have found them, so we're losing quite a few.

 The first planted bed

 The second bed, in the foreground, which we didn't plant before going to the UK, so we flung some seeds in now.
 Crocus are springing up all around, unfortunately mostly on paths where they are likely to be mown down by foot and barrow (and digger, if that happens).

 The long view, from the track.

 Skitz, with her stripe back, having recovered from a nasty case of cat mites which left her mostly bald on her head for a while.

 An unexpected 'harvest'.  This is a tree that grew from seed in the mulch.  Dave has always said it was a peach or similar, while I thought it was a vigorous weed.  Then I noticed a bright leaf which turned out to be a battered, but large nectarine.  Go tree!

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