Wednesday 13 February 2019

Halcyon Days

Sunday 10 Feb 2019

It appears there is a nice bit of Greek mythology around the 'Halcyon Days'.  Something to do with Zeus fancying a girl who'd lost her love and was turned into a kingfisher: 'Alkyona', and then having a fortnight of calm weather in the middle of winter to lay eggs on the seashore.  In real terms, it means that the weather becomes warm and sunny for a while - 'Kingfisher Days' as the Greeks call them.

Having worked solidly since the beginning of the month we took Sunday off, and made a special trip to a favourite place above the village of Haradiatika where a walk along the edge of a steep valley eventually reaches the stream tumbling down among rocks and trees.  It has a lovely atmosphere, and we were pretty sure Angel would like it.

 The view down the valley

 Angel avoiding the beehives

 Dave and Angel reach the stream

 Which Angel takes to like ... well, a dog to water

 Which she shares with Dave

 Posing for a photo

 On the way back we make one of our rare visits to check the boat over.

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