Monday 18 February 2019

Cleaning the Lagoon

17 February 2019

It's my birthday, so I'll go paddling in muddy water collecting plastic waste if I want to!  A litter clear-up was organised for Sunday, so with wellies, binbags and a rake we took to the wetlands in Lefkas town.  It was a sparklingly lovely day.  We finished up with lunch in town for around nine of us, so it was a good birthday too.

 Lefkada Lagoon is an important wetlands habitat, well worth protecting.  About 70 volunteers turned out, including port police, local council and Greek National Trust personnel.

 Our team: Rosa, Paris, Malin, Dave (and me, below)

 In our special issue volunteer hats!

 My first find - a poor dead turtle - the shell is about as long as my forearm.  I wanted to keep it but Dave wouldn't allow it in the car (it was quite recently dead).

 Dave goes out deep with the rake to collect plastic bottles

Rosa in the undergrowth - also collecting the ubiquitous plastic water bottles

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