Monday 18 February 2019

Grouting the Entry

15 Feb 2019

The walls are finished, the ceilings are finished - only the floors remain to be done.  So Paris and Dave worked on grouting the paving stones in the entry, which have had over a month to dry now; while I got the short straw and started the mammoth task of clearing up and sorting out.  If we're going to get the living room floor done in the next couple of months, we need to have a lot less stuff in here; and now almost all the work is done, a lot of scabby contingency bits and pieces can finally be flung (or recycled, wherever possible).

 Paris starts the grouting (a job for younger knees than ours!).
We make our own grout out of lime mortar with fine sand (for these pavers we use a mix of two buckets fine sand, two buckets sharp sand and a bag of lime putty).

 Most of it done on the first day.  
Dave goes over it with a damp brush the next day to discourage any cracking.

 The living room, some sorting and clearing done, but the big job will be tomorrow, when Dave and I clear out the shed, to make room for tools to be relocated.

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