Wednesday 13 February 2019

Dog Decision

3 Feb 2019

We have made the difficult decision to have Angel-dog rehomed.  She is so neglected by us that she goes off adventuring and gets into trouble, which is stressful for us all.  She needs a proper home where she'll get proper walks and lots of attention.  She's a lovely dog, and we'll miss her terribly, but there will also be a real sense of relief when she leaves. 

So we contacted the charity, and it turns out that someone in Germany is looking for a dog just like Angel, and a transport is leaving around the 22nd of Feb.  All of a sudden, every spare moment with the dog is precious, and I started taking lots of photos.

 This is the battered garden sofa, which is the only furniture she's allowed on.  She gets very excited when we sit together - it's not at all restful, but lots of fun

 Another favourite place, keeping watch from the terrace outside the kitchen door

And stick running - her favourite thing.  She won't hand the stick over, but she'll run forever with a stick in her mouth and some company (I can't keep up for long!)

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