Sunday 30 November 2014

Various jobs

Thursday 20 Nov 2014

Having been rained off for a few days, we found that the chimney was leaking around the hole in the roof.  Dave very concerned, in case any of that water was making its way into the bale wall, so as soon as possible, we were off to Lefkas for a roll of flashing to do the job properly ourselves.

 An over-the-top (hopefully) fix for the roof.  Impossible to get a neat flashing kit like you would in the UK.  Fingers crossed this will work.

 In the mood for general improvements, Dave then decided it was finally time to run the hot water down to the house, since we had found the length of pipe we didn't know we had.  Up till now we have only had hot water in the shed, where the shower still is, and the washing machine.  We will eventually relocate the 'water-hotter' nearer to the house, but that involves moving the solar panels onto the roof - it's one of those domino jobs that could take weeks and money we don't have, so we'll make do with a long pipe for now.  It just means that we'll waste hot water lying in the pipe.

 Meanwhile, I was back in the hole outside the kitchen - the wall was now at chest height while standing in the cellar space, so I thought it best to put the terrace back before topping off the wall and installing the base frames.  

 The terrace needed to be partly deconstructed to make it shorter, and then each plank cut to fit around the protrusions and indents of the stones.  This involved some imaginative work with the jigsaw and took rather longer than expected, but at least we can walk out through the kitchen door again.

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