Saturday 29 November 2014

My plinth has come

Tues & Weds 4 - 5 Nov 2014

Bad weather was forecast for Friday, and we didn't really expect to have the stove fitted before the weekend, but we pressed on with finishing the music room just in case.  Things started to look up when George, Spyros from Mamma Mia's brother, arrived to install firebricks on Dave's breezeblock base.

 Nice yellow firebricks: the eventual floor level will come up to the bottom of the yellow layer.

 Window furniture fitted - we haven't been able to find these casement openers anywhere locally so we have to order them from Screwfix - who deliver free in Europe for orders over £100

 Paris lathing and plastering the last open sections of the internal wall

 Dave and I hung tarpaulins to protect our new wall.  These are on long strings through ring-bolts, so they can be lowered and raised like hoisting sail.

 The last section of open bale - top centre - finally plastered over.  Music room damp but finished!

 Temporary bale sofa for admiring our work!

 With plaster still in the bucket and hours of daylight left, Paris and I moved upstairs and finished this bit of wall on the mezzanine landing (eventually to have bookcases and therefore known as 'the library',

and started on the top layer of the new wall in the studio

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