Sunday 30 November 2014

Mini Bale-Raising (kitchen door)

Sunday 23 Nov 2014

Pete and Nim came back for the micro bale raising, and we started the day by posing in the little alcoves created by the wood structures ready for the bales.

 Naomi and Pete ready for action - under a slight misapprehension about nice clean bales!

 Me and Dave, rather more scruffy, expecting mud and plaster

 Nim and Pete took on the bale splitting - the cleanest job, while Dave and I clay-slip painted and lugged muddy bales into the frame - cut to require a certain amount of 'persuading' into place.  

 Dave giving it some with the 'Persuader'

 Later that day - all bales in position - only six used - and two part bales left over even so.  Plastering in full swing, while Dave fits the door drip-lip.

Taa-daa!  East wall fully built and first coated, window frames in, all ready for the second coat (although the weather is changing again, so it won't be for a few days). Time to huddle in the nice warm music room and feed sausage and mash to the workforce.

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