Friday 28 November 2014

East Wall Bale Raising - pt 2

Saturday 1 Nov 2014, 11 am

 Bale splitting dream-team: Paris, Lucy and Tina, working flat out

 Our hive of activity

Me taking the photo, safe on the mezzanine, Rowan on the bales outside, hammering in stakes
 Alan, a surprise arrival who came with Tina and turned out to be a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm - tying bales to the wood frame

 The bale painters with Liz, another surprise arrival with Tina

 Pete, Rowan's Dad, treating the structure as a climbing frame to tie bales in where there isn't a handy mezzanine

 Someone else must've got hold of the camera - there's me in the foreground, watching Rowan and Dave stuffing bales in at the top level.  Dave only did that one - just to show he could.  Not comfortable at the top of a ladder.

And then it was 1 o'clock lunch time.  I had made leek and potato soup and Mad Robbie brought a big tureen of spicy bean soup, so there was enough for everyone.  At this point, we had 18 people in total.

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