Saturday 29 November 2014

Track day

Wednesday 12 Nov 2014

Our poor track is showing its age.  Each deluge washes deeper ruts into the loose earth, and the overgrown prickly oak bushes on the side carve deep scratches into the Punto every time we try to squeeze past the worst of it.  So it was time for a day of track repair.  We had a half barrow of plaster that Dave trundled up to the rut, and then we went scrumping for two carloads of 'urbanite' - broken concrete dumped by the side of the roads which we used to fill the worst of the rut.

Then in a spirit of preparing for winter weather, I remembered that I'd made a log store a few years back and it was still in okay condition up by the big cedars, so I lugged it down to the house, placed it outside the music room back door and filled it with logs.

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